Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Unofficial 24 Page "Best Of" Clips #4 -- Nina's Death

Howdy. Back today, despite Blogger's attempts to foil me, with #4 in our rudimentary and clearly-not-completely-inclusive list of some of the best moments of the first five seasons of 24. Today's clip is that of Nina Myers' last appearance on 24. Watch and enjoy.

I will always find it interesting that the weird dynamic existed between Nina and Kim, where they knew each other well enough to go by first names (rather than "bitch," I suppose) even when they were ready to kill one another. I remember when watching this scene how you just knew it would be Kim who came upon Nina first and had the chance to avenge her mother's death. I know that I was secretly hoping Kim would be the one to finish off Nina and truly satisfying revenge kill. Of course, we all know that Kim screws up absolutely everything so it wasn't to be.

On the subject of Kim, though, this was her best season as far as being a useful character, I think. She was competent at her job, didn't look like a skank (not that I didn't secretly enjoy the Kim wardrobes in Seasons One and Two) and at least tried to remain level-headed. In this scene in particular, Kim manages to track down Nina and carefully give her the cease and desist command. Nina does not immediately comply and Kim gives the "Dammit" line very much like her father would... of course, thankfully, Jack walks in and shows no where near the same level of hesitation insofar as shooting Nina.

Then it turns a little dark. Jack shoos Kim away, and you have to wonder if Kim knew what was about to happen. I think she did. I also found it almost creepy the way that Nina looked at Jack as she lay there on the floor. There's a obvious fear in her face, something we saw her exhibit with nobody other than Jack. Excellent acting.

And, of course, Jack refusing to even consider letting her live. He lost his wife to her and in this scene almost lost his daughter to her. Not to mention his own life nearly a couple of times. And so it is kind of chilling -- and awesome -- when Jack dismisses her plea that she does indeed have more information that can help CTU... and then plugs her three times (and not in the way he'd "plugged" her in the past). It did look like he was conflicted about what was the right thing to do and then when he saw her going for her gun, faintly, he saw his opportunity and took it.

Buh-bye, Nina. She was always one of my favorites.


Blogger Phoenician said...

Wow. Great choice for #4 . . . I'm seriously am wondering what scenes will be chosen for the last three "Best Of's". If I may I'd like to do a recap:

Day I - 1 "Best Of" Teri's Death
Day II - 0 (so far)
Day III - 1 "Best Of" Nina's Death
Day IV - 0 (so far)
Day V - 1 "Best Of" Logan's Takedown

But as for #4, I loved this hour when I first saw it. Before this moment I always fanthomed what would Nina's Death be like, wondering if in fact it would only occur in the show's last season.

Obviously, I thought the main characters would have a longer life expectancy than what they really have.

But yes, as someone who got to see Nina's attempt to kill Jack Pre-Pardoned in Day II, I was glad she was brought back in Day III so Jack could finally get his sweet revenge.

I agree that I loved Nina's scared face. She's been giving it since the finale of Day I, and the most memerable has to be when Jack wispered into her ear during Day II when she was being taken away. (Remember that scene? I swear to you, Nina's face went WHITE.)

In the end, I don't really miss Nina. But I loved her character just as much as I loved the villains Logan, Mandy, and Sherry. They cause too much damage to stay alive forever (though Mandy proves to be an excpetion so far), but boy do they provide entertainment!

Pheon, out.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I definitely loved Nina's character,but I think they made her survive a little too long...in a comic book way. However,let's make haste with all of this because there's the first 4 episodes to discuss :D

4:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno--you've had three scenes without mentioning the names "Tony" or "Michelle." Let's hope that changes. I don't think you can talk about top 6 moments without them...

3:21 PM  
Blogger Phoenician said...

Yes, I AM wondering when Tony and Michelle will come in.

How about Day II when Tony and Michelle take out Ryan Chappelle??

Perhaps in Day III when Michelle serious whoops Marcus Alvers??

Or maybe Day I when Tony saves Teri's life?

Day III, when Tony chews out Jack when he's trying to save Michelle?

Day IV, when Tony saves Jack and Audrey??

Or is it Day V, when Tony and Michelle are blown up together (but not die together).

Maybe one of these, maybe something else . . . but Tony and Michelle gotta be in there SOMEWHERE. (I think.)

5:09 PM  
Blogger J Money said...

I love that people are amped to find out. Posting in just a few minutes......

10:14 AM  

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