Monday, January 15, 2007

Season 6; Hour Two (7:00AM - 8:00AM)

Air Date: 14 Jan 2007
Reviewer: J

As I was saying, we get the second hour of Season Six right away, which is so cool I could barely contain my excitement all day. Of course, this four hours in two nights business is amazing until next week when we get a lone hour and are so hungry for more. But it’s a master-stroke by Fox, who is able to dominate Sunday and Monday night and also rope in some new viewers. If it’s this easy to get four episodes deep into this show, they’re more likely to get some casual viewers to stick around. For those of us writing reviews? It kind of is taxing, I must admit.

Anyway, we pick up right where we left off after a boatload of previouslies. Fayed is pissed that he’s somehow let Jack slip through his fingers and he acknowledges to his henchie that Jack knows the truth. His henchie quite rightly points out that it doesn’t really matter since CTU is already on their way to cap Assad. Sayed reluctantly agrees to depart with them since apparently something else is pressing on their terrorist to-do list.

Jack eventually gets out of the storm drain and busts into an old Oldsmobuick hooptie parked nearby. The Oldsmobuick has a cell phone left inside – how handy! Jack manages to remember the main number to CTU Los Angeles and gets put through. Everyone’s surprised to hear from Jack since they figured he was killed by Sayed. Jack doesn’t have time for everyone’s warm wishes and insists Buchanan call off the assassination of Assad. Bill demurs and connects them all with the President. Wayne gives a little laugh like, “Jack, you old hard-to-kill dog, you!” But Jack gets right down to business and explains how Sayed exposited what the real story is. Tom Lennox, having had lots of experience with this on Ally McBeal, agrees with Karen Hayes assessment that they still need to bomb the shit out of Assad, regardless of this new intel. Wayne doesn’t want to hold off, either, despite Jack’s plea. Karen points out that Jack’s been in a Chinese prison for twenty months (which, apparently, everyone knew and was sort of okay with) and, thus, might not have the best judgment or be hearing everything perfectly. Jack can’t really argue this point but continues to insist he has the facts correct. It’s interesting to note how much Jack cares about this since, really, why should he give a shit? He’s been in prison and being tortured for 20 months. Why does he care which terrorist is killed? And it’s not like Assad doesn’t have bloody hands – he’s been a known terrorist for years. Even if he’s decided to make a New Year’s Resolution to turn over a new leaf, he can still burn for what he’s done in the past.

In the end, Wayne decides to go forward with the strike on Assad. I must admit, I was expecting him to give in to Jack but this was a nice twist and shows how much the attacks on America have impacted him. He’s also being level-headed and listening to the intel Karen Hayes and other security agencies have gathered, which all point to Assad as the head of the snake.

Jack, frustrated, looks a the cellie he’s just liberated from the hooptie he broke into and, fortunately for him, sees that it has a navigation feature! So whoever’s car this is clearly spends their money on their technogadgets and not their vehicle. Not only that, but Jack immediately knows how to use this feature. Anyway, he puts in the coordinates and the map tells him where Assad lives. Now, I’m not sure what kind of phone this is, but it’s a rare occasion when I’m headed to a restaurant and look up the fucking coordinates to figure out where they’re located on the globe:

"Yes, sir, we’re at 324 West 47th str---"

“No, no, just give me the longitude and latitude, please. Thanks.”


Anyway, Jack heads over to Assad’s pad and sneaks into the backyard. He knocks out a passing sentry with what the Fox site describes as “chopped firewood.” In Southern California. Okay.

Jack busts into the house and there’s a bit of a standoff with Assad as he identifies himself and tells Assad the story, namely that there’s a couple of choppers on their way to the house to turn he and his friends into vapor. Assad doesn’t believe him, of course, because how could anyone know where they are? Well, Jack got there somehow, right Kojak? Assad eventually agrees that it’s possible and asks his men to empty their pockets to see if anyone is carrying a transponder. One is and Assad hustles him outside with Jack while Assad’s other men set about securing the premises. Within seconds the CTU attack choppers arrive and make toothpicks out of Assad’s house.

So let’s see… in the time since Sayed called CTU with Assad’s coordinates, Jack broke free, hid from Sayed’s men, escaped the basin, acquired a car, called CTU, argued with Bill, argued with the President, figured out Assad’s location, drove to Assad’s location, had a standoff with Assad and then got him out of the house. Meanwhile, CTU launched their attack which they were ready for about an hour ago.
Was a pilot late or something?

Anyway, Jack and Assad take Assad’s traitor terrorist (who’s worse than Assad, we’re to believe) to a nearby empty house where a U-Haul is casually pulling away. I say casually because it looks like we’re to believe this house is a good place for Jack and Assad to hide since the people are in the process of moving and aren’t there. Of course, a house just exploded a block or so away. Whatever.

Jack and Assad take turns interrogating Omar, the rogue henchie. Jack learns during this time that he’s lost his edge insofar as invasive interrogation. Maybe he just can’t do this to people anymore. Assad has no such hangups and stabs Omar in the knee with a knife – OWIE! Omar talks, telling Assad where a couple of Fayed’s men will be. Assad then guts Omar with the knife and watches him die. Brutal, that Assad.

We also learn during this time at the house that Assad is trying to have his men and the governments they align with to agree to a cease-fire with the West. So he…is good? It’s hard to tell. In addition, Jack ditches the clothes that Bill brought for him (the buttons aren’t his style) and he puts on some clothes he finds in the house that is in the process of being moved into or out of. Hard to tell, but either way it’s likely someone will be coming back for their shirt and will find Omar dead in the living room.

Meanwhile, across town at the Islamic-American Alliance (not making that up), Sandra Palmer is an attorney who is a bit concerned when the FBI arrives looking for personnel files. She denies them this request even though her lover, Walid Al-Rezani, suggests maybe they should just give up the files since they have nothing to hide. Beware the Islamic man who says he has nothing to hide. S’all I’m sayin’.

Sandra Palmer calls her brother… Wayne Palmer! Bet you didn’t see that coming, did ya?! Oh, wait, you did? Yeah, okay, well, where has this sister been all these years? I don’t know, either, but I definitely don’t remember her being mentioned. Oh, and this is random, but speaking of family ties, did anyone else notice that Wayne is wearing a wedding ring now? I think that’s worth inventorying in your melon.

Anyway, Sandra is worried about the FBI’s invasion and Wayne promises to look into it. Well, is it authorized or not, Wayne? He seems not to know but says he’ll figure it out. Well, Wayne, if you’re not aware of it, it’s probably not kosher since, you know, you’re the President. I guess Wayne’s still getting used to this job.

At the temporary hideout of Jack and Assad Incorporated, Assad walks into the frame clicking a keyfob remote to the Toyota (surprise!) out front and saying, “We have a car.” That struck me as funny for some reason. Jack seems hesitant to go on with this, especially after seeing Assad’s brutality on Omar and realizing he’s clearly losing/lost his own touch for inflicting pain to get answers. He goes so far as to say, “I don’t know how to do this anymore,” to which Assad replies, “You’ll remember.”

At CTU, Chloe has been snooping around – though, authorized this time, it appears – and figures out that it was Jack who helped Assad. She tells Bill who’s all secretive about it and tells her “good work.” Okay, so Bill’s already breaking protocol and keeping information to himself, less than an hour after almost firing Chloe for being underhanded? Nice example to set, Bill. Plus, wow, what a different guy Bill has become since being the requisite tight-ass sent over from Division in Season Four.

Over at the boring storyline, Sandra Palmer continues to interfere with the FBI requisitioning personnel files (with a warrant, I might add, making it legal) to the point where she and her Islamic lover are arrested. Somehow, I don’t think the FBI would arrest the President’s sister under any circumstances.

At the other somewhat boring storyline, Ahmed (Kumar; or Taj, if you prefer) has located the package of White Castle burgers he has hidden in the house for Sayed. Meanwhile, hillbilly neighbor from Hour One busts down the door and kicks his ass for no apparent reason other than Ahmed being Middle Eastern. After a pretty thorough ass-whipping, Ahmed is able to get his hands on a gun which he uses to kill Angry Neighbor. Gee, dude, if you really thought he was a terrorist, why did you look so surprised when he was ready to kill you?

Naturally, idiot long-haired stoner Scott Wallace, the WASPY kid from across the street barrels in and find Ahmed beat to hell and sees Dead Angry Neighbor on the floor. Scott sizes the situation up and wants to call for help but Kumar the angry White Castle eater tells Scott he’ll hurt him if he has to but these burgers need to get delivered. Scott does what he’s told. Why Ahmed doesn’t just kill Scott is a bit of mystery to me. He killed Angry Neighbor when he clearly had the chance to let him live. Weird.

Meanwhile, in the exciting part of the hour, Jack and Assad are taking on Sayed’s terrorist network themselves. I see a buddy cop in the making. They identify Sayed’s men at an intersection that Omar had supplied and they follow them into the LA Metro system. What’s the deal with all the face time the subway gets on this show? I would guess most Los Angeles viewers have seen the subway more on 24 than they have in real life.

Anyway, Jack decides to follow the bomber onto the train while Assad goes after the info man, who apparently confirms the job is done and then phones in to the boss. Gosh, that’s a much better assignment than being the one with the C4 strapped to your torso.

Also, hey Jack? Maybe letting Assad out of your sight wasn’t the best idea. Wasn’t it Jack who suggested capturing Assad for information just 45 minutes earlier? Now he could be gone.

Anyway, on the train, we’re treated to Jack trying to wrestle the detonator away from the bomber, which I thought was weird. I mean, why not remote-detonate so the guy doesn’t chicken out? Neither here nor there, I guess. Jack almost gets the detonator away from him but when he sees in a split-second that he’s not going to be able to, Jack does an impressive kick and sends the bomber out the back of the train where he explodes in the subway tunnel by himself. It sure is a good thing they were in the last car. Of course, maybe Jack didn’t care and just wanted him off of his car.

It turns out that Fayed isn’t that upset that this bombing isn’t successful since apparently there have been bombings at the same time in Baltimore and Chicago.

As the hour ends, we see that Wayne learns from Karen that CTU intercepted a cell call wherein Sayed is ordering/orchestrating the bombings. At the same time, CTU hears that someone identifying themselves as Jack Bauer (which Jack did to the ticket agent who didn’t like that Jack was on without a ticket; I’ll have to try that approach next time I’m on the train) is the one who foiled the train bombing. Bill wants visual proof that it was Jack, presumably so he can show it to the President who, as I mentioned, is also realizing that Jack was right earlier this hour.
We’re then treated to another round of My, Jack Was Right And Saved The Day Again. Regardless, you just know he won’t be believed in other cases as we move forward.

I also wonder about Jack’s whole existence for this season. Remember the promos? For the security of the U.S., Jack Bauer has to die. Something to that effect… but now, apparently that’s not the case anymore. Oh, good, season over, Jack goes back to China for a vacation.

It was at this point that I was continuing to shake my head at Jack for parting ways with Assad, the man who is probably most pivotal here. However, it turns out that Jack and Assad exchanged cellie numbers and they get on the horn to discuss Assad’s current role as a surveillance agent. Assad is following the other henchman who they’re hoping will lead them to Fayed. Jack says he’s not far from Assad’s location (Assad is driving, remember) and that he’ll “find” Assad. And then what, Jack? Jump onto the roof of the car? Oh, what am I saying? He probably will.

In other news, Jack is jogging and fighting rather well for a man who could barely walk two hours ago. I hope he got some sleep on that flight from China.



Blogger Phoenician said...

Yeah, I was seeing the whole buddy cop too. Assad has become Jack's Yusuf for the time being.

On Buchanan allowing Chloe to keep Jack's involvement a secret, I bet he did that beacause AT THAT POINT, Jack was disobeying the President, again.

And Bill knows that the White House has a tendency to shoot at Jack when they think he's working against him (Day II (when Prescott was in Power), Day IV (when Keeler was blowing up Marwon's compound & Logan at the Night Club), Day V (Pretty much all day long, thanks to Logan)).

But he probably reckon'd that Jack was on to something, and just let him be until the rest of the White House caught on with "comprehensive Proof."

But man, Bill screaming is such a rarity! Wasn't the last time he did so when he was chewing off Tony in Day IV??

Hours 3 &4 tonight!

3:13 PM  
Blogger Phoenician said...

Can't to see Reviews for 6.3 & 6.4 . . . because they were amazing!

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hours three and four blew me away...hour four in particular....I can't wait for those reviews.

Bravo for getting these up so quickly on your own.

5:00 PM  

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